Constitution & Bylaws

(Updated March 2012)




Article I – Name
The name of this organisation shall be: Breast Surgery International (BSI)

Article II – Objectives
The objectives of the association shall be (1) maintenance of high standards in the practice and art of breast surgery, (2) to provide a forum for exchanging information and developing new knowledge in the field of breast surgery, (3) To support the advancement of the science and art of breast surgery through clinical experience or laboratory investigation.

Article III – Membership
Membership of the association shall be limited to surgeons in good professional standing, who have a major interest and an active practice in breast surgery after appropriate application and evaluation by the Membership Committee. Contributions to the scientific literature pertinent to breast surgery will be considered but is not a prerequisite in determining membership.

There shall be four types of members: Active, Senior, Honorary and Associate members in training. Active Members shall consist of original charter members and all members subsequently elected. The number of active members shall not be limited. To surgeons below age 35, a reduction of the annual dues is offered, which includes subscription to World Journal of Surgery.

Senior Members shall consist of active members who have reached the age of 65 years. Senior members share all the responsibilities and privileges of active members. Senior members shall not be required to pay annual dues. Senior members cannot be considered for election to office.

Honorary Members shall consist of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to breast surgery. They shall have no voting privileges, nor be eligible for election to office, nor be subject to assessment for dues.
Associate members will have the same status as associated ISS/SIC members

Article IV – Meeting
A biennial assembly of the association shall be held in accordance with the bylaws.

Article V – Officers/Council
Officers of BSI shall consist of president, president-elect, secretary, a treasurer, all to be elected as provided in the bylaws.
There shall be a Council of the association consisting of the officers, and a maximum of eight council members.

Article VI – Alterations/Repeal
The members of BSI may alter or repeal any article of this constitution by a three-fourth affirmative vote of members present at the biennial assembly, provided a copy of the proposed change has been delivered to each member 60 days in advance of the assembly meeting.

Article VII
BSI shall function under the auspices of the International Society of Surgery/Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC), which shall be responsible for collection of annual dues, selection of the biennial meeting site, and the principal arrangements thereof. The ISS/SIC shall have no authority regarding the contents of the scientific program of the BSI. All members of the BSI are required to be members of the ISS/SIC.

The BSI shall have representation on the Executive Committee of the ISS/SIC as well as the Editorial Board of World Journal of Surgery.





Article I – Election of Members
Manual and electronic application forms for active membership are available from the websites of ISS and/or BSI. Completed application forms signed by the candidate and two sponsors, who shall be members of the BSI, will be communicated to theSecretary. An up-to-date curriculum vitae, a bibliography, where the applicant’s surgical interest and skills in breast surgery is stated, shall accompany the application form. Completed applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee, who has the right to accept or reject any application for membership in the association.
Candidates for honorary membership shall be proposed in writing to the Executive Committee through the Secretary. Candidates approved by the Executive Committee will be elected honorary members in accord with the same procedure regarding active membership.

Article II – Officers/Councilors
The President and the President-Elect of the association shall be elected for a term of two years. The term of all other officers shall be for a term of four years (two meetings).
The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the association and the Executive Committee, receive and care for all records belonging to the association, and conduct the correspondence of the association. This office will issue to all members a written report of the preceding year’s activities to be read to the Executive Committee and membership at the biennial assembly. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and funds belonging to the association, pay all bills, and report to the Executive Committee of the BSI at the biennial assembly meeting. The Treasurer will prepare a financial report for audit at the biennial assembly.

Article III – Committees
There shall be four standing committees of the association:

Membership Committee: Secretary and  2  BSI members elected for a term of four years (two meetings).


Nomination Committee: President-Elect, President, Secretary, two BSI members elected for a term of four years (two meetings).

Program Committee: President-Elect, President, Secretary, two BSI members elected for a term of four years (two meetings).

International Committee: Chair (council member) elected for a term of four years (two meetings) and  3 BSI members.


Article IV – Meetings
A biennial assembly of the association shall be held at the time and place to be determined by the ISS/SIC.

During the biennial assembly, there shall be an executive session of the membership. The business of the association shall be conducted at this time. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the membership during the executive session. Nominations may be made from the floor. Officers of the association and council members shall be elected by majority vote of active membership during the executive session.

Any member of the association may invite one or more guests to attend the biennial assembly. This invitation should be requested in writing through the ISS/SIC central office at least six months prior to the meeting.


Article V – Fees/Dues
Dues and assessments shall be levied by the Council of the ISS/SIC.
Any member whose dues remain unpaid for a period of one year shall be informed by the Executive Secretary of the ISS/SIC. Non payment of dues for three successive years shall be constituted as grounds for dismissal from the association.


Article VI – Resignations, Expulsions
Resignations of members in otherwise good standing shall be accepted by the majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Charges of unprofessionally unethical conduct against any member of the association must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee’s concurrence or disallowance of the charges shall be presented to the membership at the biennial assembly executive session. A two thirds affirmative vote of the members present shall be required for expulsion.


Article VII – Quorum
A minimum of 30 members shall constitute a quorum at the biennial assembly to effect changes in the constitution and bylaws of the association, to make assessments, to authorise appropriations or expenditures of money other than those required in the routine business of the association, to elect officers and members, and to expel members.

For the transaction of other business, the members present at any biennial meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Article VIII – Alterations/Repeal
Bylaws may be altered or repealed at the biennial assembly by a three/fourths affirmative vote of the members present.